Earlier this year, a two-year old Nigerian boy named Hope was rescued by a Danish woman named Anja Ringgren Lovren who lives in Africa.
Hope was left to die for about eight months by his family who accused him of being a witch before he was taken into custody of Lovren.
Lovren is the founder of "African Children's Aid Education and Development Foundation", which she created to help children like Hope.
Since she found hope, he has been well catered for gaining extra weight, eating good food, and i think now in school.
We need more people like Lovren to help make this world a better place and help the homeless children around us.
Two days after Ms lovren asked the community to help with Hope's expensive medical bills, she was able to raise about $1million in donations from around the world.
Source: Facebook
Is the woman holding the child at the bottom of the page Anja? She doesn't look at all like Anja in the previous pictures.